Platinum Sponsor & Official Sports Medicine Provider for Hudson Soccer
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Hudson and Western Wisconsin Soccer is a non-profit organization that offers youth and adult soccer programs in the Hudson, Wisconsin area.
It owns and operates the Hudson Soccer Complex, located at 541 County Road UU in Hudson. Unlike other clubs, which use city or town owned fields, we own and operate the Hudson Soccer Complex through the use of volunteers and select individuals employed for particular tasks. We are managed by an elected Board of Directors and all Board Members are volunteers and participate not only in the Board Meetings, but also help with numerous other tasks.
A special thank you to our amazing sponsors!
Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Sponsorships include your logo and website on our website, social media, tournament advertisements, menu boards, field signs, and newsletter. Your sponsorship is tax deductible and supports the Hudson Community. Click here for more information.
Platinum Sponsor & Official Sports Medicine Provider for Hudson Soccer
Platinum Sponsor & Official Sports Medicine Provider for Hudson Soccer